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About the Facility

Queen City Volleyball Complex

About Our Facility

Facilities Booking

If your club or team is interested in booking gym time, please send an e-mail to our Facilities Coordinator at facilities@queencityvolleyball.com (no other executive member can assign gym time). 

A request for gym time does not constitute a binding agreement. Gym time is not guaranteed until the contract and payment have been received.

The following guidelines/rules are in place to help keep everyone safe:

Queen City Volleyball Complex Rules and Guidelines

  1. Stay Home if sick
  2. Sanitize your hands when entering the facility using the dispensers provided
  3. Wearing a mask is optional. We are mask friendly
  4. Arrive no more than 10 minutes before scheduled practice start times
  5. Parents are not permitted in the Volleyball Complex to watch practice
  6. Wipe down shared equipment often— teams are to provide their own practice balls
  7. Wipe down and return complex equipment to the appropriate locations after practice
  8. Clean the court area of any garbage, water bottles or clothing left by your team
  9. Only one person per washroom at a time

Failure to comply with the above rule and regulations will result in a one-week team suspension from the Volleyball Complex.

Complex Address

Queen City Volleyball Club
1802b Stock Rd
Regina, SK
S4N 5J3

About QCVC

Queen City Volleyball Club is a competitive program dedicated to advancing the personal and athletic development of young women through the pursuit of excellence in volleyball, fostering a sense of community throughout the Club and promoting leadership in all Club members.

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